Maybe it won't be, I know they lost some talent to SWTOR, though oddly enough some of the best content is stuff made after that (Shadow Broker, fr'ex). That's not to say it'll automagically be an awesome game. I could understand if ME3 had stuck to it's original plan of hitting something like October 2011, but it didn't. Whereas ME3 is coming out after a 26 month cycle, which is well within the typical range, especially for a game using the same basic engine and structure as the previous game (whereas ME1-2 saw a lot of changes in the basics). DA2 vibes? How so? DA2's issue was that it was pushed out the door at extreme speed, having a barely a 18 month dev cycle (was it even 18 months?) for a type of game that typically requires 24-36 months (or sometimes longer).